Hard English words and their explanations

Handkerchief: if you have a cold this is good to use for snot in your nose.


Splinter: when you walk on something made of wood this can go in to your skin and then you have to take it away with a tweezers.


Clogs: something you put on your foot so they wont get cold. It's like inside shoes.


Windmill: with this you take up energy in the movement of the wind and make it to energy that we can use in our homes later.


Dishcloth: you use this to clean up the sink from stains and crumbs. You have to put it in water before using.


Empowerment: when just you have the power and no other. You have this over your own life, because no one could decide over your life.


Ancillary: when you stand below someone, maybe in the society for an example. If you work at a company, then you're ancillary to your boss.


Contradict: if you say you don't like smoking, and laker on you smoke, then you contradicts yourself.


Hemorrhage: if you have a damage inside of your body and the blood vessels start leaking, then you have a hemorrhage.


Hoax: you could say this about a lot of stuff, it depends on the way you sees it. for an example, when a demonstration take place, then it will be a hoax.


Homage: if you have respect and honor.


Precursor: if someone has done something thats impressing and people look up tho this person then he is a precursor for that specific thing. like Einstein is a precursor for all scientists.


Upholstery: a teddy-bears is filled with this, it's withe, soft and looks like clouds.


Variegate: when you are tired of something and you want to try something new, then you probably need to variegate.


Succumb: when you have play a game for a long time and you just keep on losing, then after a while you will probably do this and go do something else.


Sovereign: when you do something fast and correct then you are this.


Tarpaulin: if you don't want something to get ruined by laying outside then you could use this huge cover of plastic to protect the stuffs.


Zealot: someone that likes something so much that he/she know everything about it.


Abbreviate: if you want to work less hours at your office then your boss have to abbreviate your hours.


Adequate: when something is good just as it is for it's purpose.



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