
  1. Purposes - avsikt, syfte. When you do something for a special reason.
  2. Scrapping - skrotning. When you throw something away because its broken or old.
  3. Oppressive - besvärande. If you think something is making you feel bad inside and it's bothering you. could also be "förtryckande" and then it's if you feel that someone is making you uncomfortable because of something that has to do with your personality, background or looks.
  4. Scantily - klen. It's when you don't have much mussel-power.
  5. Implicit - blind. when you have a permanent disease so you can't see anything at all.
  6. Acknowledge -  bekräfta. when you confirm something that you said before to make it even more sure.
  7. Exaggeration - överdrift. When you make something bigger then it has to be, like if you trip and fall you might start crying even though it didn't hurt, you just want everyone to feel bad for you. Then you do this.
  8. 'imposition - belastning, börda. if you have something in your mind that you can't talk with someone bout and just ju know this, and it's also a heavy burden to bare.
  9. Condemned - (just found Condemned cell) dödscell. if you have done a crime and got the punishment of death. then you sit in this room until it's time for you to die.
  10. Assumption - antagande. if you say stuff without any proof of it being right or wrong.



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